In history
The eye has had its special status in all eras and cultures, and the desire to simulate this sensory organ seems as old as mankind itself.
The erstwhile high cultures such as, for example the Chinese and Egyptians, attempted to do so, using the most diverse and predominantly most valuable materials. Statues, mummies, masks, etc. in museums throughout the world are visual evidence of the wish to make the most natural possible copy of the eye.
The artificial eye worn as a prosthesis first appeared in the world of medicine in the early 15th century, since which time the methods and materials used in their manufacture have developed further.
Crafted from specially developed glass, the artificial eye as we know it today has been made in this form since 1835, the idea for which came Professor Adelmann, a Würzburg physician at the time.
Since then, the types of glass used have been developed in their characteristics and the art of making artificial eyes has been continuously optimized.