Under normal circumstances you will not in any way be restricted by wearing an ocular prosthesis.
However, you should note the following in connection with the ocular prosthesis:
An allergy or a cold, for example, can cause a temporary swelling of the mucous membranes, which in turn can lead to intensified secretion. (If this lasts for a longer period of time, the ocular prosthesis might have to replaced due to wear of its surface.)
Visits to the sauna ought not to be concluded with an ice-cold shower since this could cause tension in the glass.
When at the swimming pool, wear swimming goggles and do not plunge into the water head-first because the resistance of the water could flush the ocular prosthesis out of the eye socket.
Divers are advised not to wear an ocular prosthesis when diving.
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Versbacher Str. 183 . 97078 Würzburg
Telefon +49 (0)931-24825 . Telefax:+49 (0)931-22653
E-Mail: infoaugenkuenstler [dot] de