It goes without saying that we have official accreditation with all relevant health insurance funds and cost bearers.
If you belong to a statutory health insurance fund in Germany you will need to bring with you a doctor's prescription for the manufacture of an ocular prosthesis.
If the costs are being covered by an employer's liability insurance association or an orthopaedic supply centre we shall need an order from the corresponding cost bearer.
Versbacher Str. 183 . 97078 Würzburg . Telefon +49 (0)931-24825 . Telefax +49 (0)931-22653
E-Mail: infoaugenkuenstler [dot] de .
Versbacher Str. 183 . 97078 Würzburg
Telefon +49 (0)931-24825 . Telefax:+49 (0)931-22653
E-Mail: infoaugenkuenstler [dot] de